2021 Ambassadors

The Chamber Ambassador Program is a membership outreach and retention program designed to involve and inform all Chamber members. Ambassadors are volunteers who, on behalf of the Chamber, make good will calls to encourage strong continuing membership and active support of Chamber programs. Our select group of Ambassadors attend Chamber events such as dedications, ribbon cuttings, and Business After Hours socials, and enjoy the benefits of continued networking opportunities and close involvement with the community. If you are interested in being an Ambassador, please contact the Chamber at 706-745-5789 or email membership@blairsvillechamber.com.
Missy Mashburn
Mountain Home Health Services, Community Liaison
Chris Cote
Blue Hills Entertainment, Owner
Sharon Davis
Grits & Tackle Realty - Sharon Davis
Darryl Flake
House of Prayer Interdenominational Church, Associate Pastor/Education Director
Roberta Ford
Roberta L. Ford Mary Kay Ind Beauty Consultant, Senior Ind. Beauty Consultant
Teressa Grzelak
Live your Magic, LLC, Life Mastery Consultant
Alysia Hargus
Alysia Hargus Photography, Photographer
Shannon Larsen
Traditions Health
Kitty Mauzy
United Community Bank, Union County
Paula Pendleton
Emory's A/C Heating & Refrigeration, LLC
Sharon Penner
Origami Owl - Sharon E Penner, Ind. Designer #3027, Independant Designer
Crystal Potter
Comfort Keepers, General Manager
Katie Mashburn
Harry Norman Realtors-Blairsville
Gene Boyd
Engagement Solutions LLC, Founder Engagement Solutions
Deanna Myers
Edward Jones - Oleg Malyshev, Financial Advisor, Branch Office Admin