A "DAY-DREAMING" LADIES LUNCHEON Do you have travel dreams? Want to visit beautiful, exciting places, but have nightmares about the planning and the details? What if you could live the dream and avoid the nightmare? Well, you can! Plus, you can have the added fun of traveling with people you know and trust. Invite your friends and join us at the TriCounty Women's Connection luncheon on Wednesday, February 21, 2024. Our Program Feature Guest, Gail Day, owner of Day Dreaming Quests, will share her 2024 travel group destinations and plans. During Gail's 35 years working at United Community Bank, she focused on Public Relations which included a large group travel club with over 12,000 members. After retiring in 2020, she founded Day Dreaming Quests to promote group travel for small and intimate groups. The year of Covid was a challenge, but since 2021, her groups have enjoyed some wonderful destinations: Iceland, Alaska, Ohio Amish Country, Greece & Italy, Christmas Markets River Cruise, Mackinac Island, and Nova Scotia, to name a few. Through the many years of organizing travel tours, Gail's favorite part is not the destination, but the people with whom she shared the destination, making memories and new friendships. As she has said many times, there are a few other groups in the area to travel with, but no one will work harder for you or appreciate you more. Gail is truly a Young Harris local. She was born in the clinic in Young Harris located where Sharp Memorial United Methodist Church now stands and was run by one of the last doctors in the area to make house calls, Doc Tanner. Though Gail has always lived in Young Harris, she has traveled the world and enjoys sharing new discoveries with others. She loves her work and cherishes the friends she has made on this life journey – and she’s always working on the next adventure! “How To Protect Your Heart During Life’s Trials and Sorrows”. February is “heart month” and the heart is something Guest Speaker Angie Morgan knows about. After raising three children as a stay-at-home mom, Angie fulfilled her dream of joining the nursing profession in both hospital cardiology and hospice care. Three years ago, Angie married Roy, the love of her life, and their blended family includes five grandsons. Angie enjoys crafting, making jewelry and collecting fabrics that will become quilts when she retires. The event will be held Wednesday, February 21 from 11:00am to 1:00pm (doors open at 10:30) at the Union County Civic Center, 165 Wellborn Street in Blairsville. Cost is $17 and includes the program and catered lunch including tomato basil soup, chicken salad on croissant, broccoli salad, angel food cake with strawberries and chocolate drizzle, coffee, tea and water. Reservations and payment are due by Wednesday, February 14, via email to Jocelyn at jowabow@aol.com, or call or text Jane at 706-633-7868. Pre-pay by check (payable to TCWC) and mail to Judy Teague, 3245 Mulkey Gap Road, Blairsville, GA 30512. If you are paying for other guests, please include their names. Checks or cash, correct change please, are accepted at the door. For more than 35 years, the Blairsville Tri-County Women’s Connection has planned and hosted luncheons for women that provide a positive, upbeat time of fun, food and friendship. We are affiliated with Stonecroft. We look forward to connecting with you!
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST
Wednesday, February 21 from 11:00am to 1:00pm (doors open at 10:30) at the Union County Civic Center, 165 Wellborn Street in Blairsville.
Union County Civic Center, 165 Wellborn Street in Blairsville
Cost is $17 and includes the program and catered lunch including tomato basil soup, chicken salad on croissant, broccoli salad, angel food cake with strawberries and chocolate drizzle, coffee, tea and water.
Reservations and payment are due by Wednesday, February 14, via email to Jocelyn at jowabow@aol.com, or call or text Jane at 706-633-7868. Pre-pay by check (payable to TCWC) and mail to Judy Teague, 3245 Mulkey Gap Road, Blairsville, GA 30512. If you are paying for other guests, please include their names. Checks or cash, correct change please, are accepted
at the door.
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Printed courtesy of www.visitblairsvillega.com/ – Contact the Blairsville - Union County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
129 Union County Recreation Road, Blairsville, GA 30514 – (706) 745-5789 – info@blairsvillechamber.com